LaTeX is a document preparation system and typesetting language often used for creating documents with complex formatting requirements. It’s particularly popular in the organizations where there is regulatory submissions and we need to code at the same time. For example, use it in Markdown in Jupyter Lab and simultaneously in the same book connect through APIs to get the Data’s and charts or embed a picture and complete the submission. LaTeX can handle mathematical equations, citations, and references seamlessly.

Here’s a brief introduction to LaTeX:

  1. Installation: Before you can use LaTeX, you’ll need to install a LaTeX distribution, such as TeX Live or MiKTeX, depending on your operating system.
  2. Choosing an Editor: You can write LaTeX documents in any text editor, but it’s more convenient to use a LaTeX-specific editor like TeXShop (macOS), TeXworks, or VSCode with LaTeX extensions. These editors often provide features like syntax highlighting and easy document compilation.
  3. Creating a Simple LaTeX Document: In LaTeX, you create documents using plain text files with the .tex extension.
    \documentclass{article} specifies the type of document (e.g., article, book, report).
    \title, \author, and \date are used to set document metadata.
    The document environment is where the main content of your document goes.
    Remember: ‘&’ has a special place in LaTeX so whenever you want to use it in the document always place ‘\’ before it. You’re welcome 🙂
    Compiling the LaTeX Document:
    To generate a PDF document from your LaTeX source, you need to compile it. The most common sequence is pdflatex (or xelatex or lualatex) followed by bibtex (for bibliographies) and then one or more additional pdflatex runs to resolve cross-references and citations. You can compile a LaTeX document using the command line or the LaTeX editor you chose.
    references: /cite{model} or whatever you name of reference is. Again, you’re welcome! 🙂
    Some advanced features of LaTeX:
    1. Mathematics: LaTeX excels at typesetting mathematical content.
    2. References and Bibliography
    3. Figures and Tables: LaTeX provides fine control over figures and tables, allowing for precise positioning and captions.
    Then, you can custom styles and templates and also, can benefit from the rich ecosystem of packages and extensions to extend its functionality.
    If you would like to know more or take a class, I’m just one email or comment away 🙂
    Thank you all and that’s all for today! 🙂 🙂
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By RichS

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